Before we get started, note that you probably want to use mgheatmap2()
This function encapsulates many common "moves" you'll make when trying to make a heatmap, especially if you are trying to show geneset activity across a panel of samples.
NOTE: this function will almost certainly reorder the rows of the
input matrix. If you are concatentating Heatmap objects together horizontally
(ie. you if you want to use a rowAnnotation along side the returned heatmap),
you must reorder the rows of the annotation data.frame, ie.
ranno.df <- ranno.df[rownames(out@matrix),]
gdb = NULL,
col = NULL, = c("none", "ewm", "ewz", "zscore"),
split = TRUE,
scores = NULL,
gs.order = NULL,
name = NULL,
rm.collection.prefix = TRUE,
rm.dups = FALSE,
recenter = FALSE,
rescale = FALSE,
center = TRUE,
scale = TRUE,
rename.rows = NULL,
zero_center_colramp = NULL,
zlim = NULL,
transpose = FALSE,
the data matrix
object that holds the genesets to plot. Defaults to
, which will plot all rows in x
a colorRamp(2) function
the method used to generate single-sample geneset
scores. Default is none
which plots heatmap at the gene level
introduce row-segmentation based on genesets or collections?
Defaults is TRUE
which will create split heatmaps based on
collection if != 'none'
, or based on gene sets
if == "none"
If != "none"
you can pass in a precomupted
result, otherwise one will be
computed internally. Note that if this is a data.frame
pre-computed scores, the gdb
is largely irrelevant (but still
This is experimental, and is here to help order the order
of the genesets (or genesets collection) in a different way than the
default. By default, gs.order = NULL
and genesets are enumerated in
alphabetical in the heatmap. You can pass in a character vector that will
dictate the order of the genesets displayed in the heatmap. Currently this
only matches against the "name"
value of the geneset and probably only
works when split = TRUE
. We will support colleciton,name
tuples soon.
This can be a superset of the names found in gdb
. As of ComplexHeatmap
v2 (maybe earlier versions), this doesn't really work when
cluster_rows = TRUE
passed down to ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap()
(default), removes the collection
name from the genesets annotated on the heatmap.
if == 'none'
, do we remove genes that
appear in more than one geneset? Defaults to FALSE
do you want to mean center the rows of the heatmap matrix
prior to calling ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap()
do you want to standardize the row variance to one on the
values of the heatmap matrix prior to calling
boolean parameters passed down into the the single
sample gene set scoring methods defined by
defaults to NULL
, which induces no action. Specifying
a paramter here assumes you want to rename the rows of the heatmap.
Please refer to the "Renaming Rows" section for details.
Used to specify the type of color ramp to generate
when col
. By default (NULL
) we try to guess if we should
generate a 0-centered (blue, white, red) color ramp, or an absolute
(viridis style) one. The guessing functionality isn't that great, so
it doesn't hurt to explicitly set this to TRUE
Used to control the color saturation of the heatmap when the
parameter is not provided. If NULL
, (default), extreme values
(outside the c(0.025, 0.975)
quantiles) are axed and the colorRamp is
based on the remaining value range. If FALSE
, the range of the colorRamp
is defined by the min/max values. Otherwise a length(2) numeric can be
supplied. If the values are between [0,1]
, then we assume this is a
quantile range to be calculated. Otherwise the number are assumed to
mark the top and bottom of the color scale range you want to use.
Flip display so that rows are columns. Default is FALSE
parameters to send down to scoreSingleSamples()
, renameRows()
internal as_matrix()
A Heatmap
More info here.
This function leverages renameRows()
so that you can better customize the
output of your heatmaps by tweaking its rownames.
If you are plotting a gene-level heatmap (ie. == "none"``) and the
rownames()are gene identifiers, but you want the rownames of the heatmap to be gene symbols. You can perform this renaming using the
rename.rows` parameter.
If rename.rows
, then nothing is done.
If rename.rows
is a string
, then we assume that x
has an associated
metadata data.frame
over its rows and that rename.rows
names one of
its columns, ie. DGEList$genes[[rename.rows]]
. The values in that column will
be swapped out for x
's rownames
If rename.rows
is a two-column data.frame, the first column is assumed
to be rownames(x)
and the second is what you want to rename it to.
When there are duplicates in the renamed rownames, the rename.duplicates
parameter dictates the behavior. This will happen, for instance, if
you are trying to rename the rows of an affy matrix to gene symbols, where
we have multiple probe ids for one gene. When rename.duplicates
is set to
, one of the rows will get the new name, and the remaning
duplicate rows will keep the rownames they came in with. When set to
, the new names will contain *.1
, *.2
, etc. suffixes,
as you would get from using base::make.unique()
Maybe you are aggregating the expression scores into geneset scores, and
you don't want the rownames of the heatmap to be collection;;name
(or just
when rm.collection.prefx = TRUE
), you can pass in a two column
, where the first column is collection;name
and the second
is the name you want to rename that to. There is an example of this in
the "Examples" section here.
# \donttest{
#> Loading required package: grid
#> ========================================
#> ComplexHeatmap version 2.23.0
#> Bioconductor page:
#> Github page:
#> Documentation:
#> If you use it in published research, please cite either one:
#> - Gu, Z. Complex Heatmap Visualization. iMeta 2022.
#> - Gu, Z. Complex heatmaps reveal patterns and correlations in multidimensional
#> genomic data. Bioinformatics 2016.
#> The new InteractiveComplexHeatmap package can directly export static
#> complex heatmaps into an interactive Shiny app with zero effort. Have a try!
#> This message can be suppressed by:
#> suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(ComplexHeatmap))
#> ========================================
vm <- exampleExpressionSet()
gdb <- exampleGeneSetDb()
col.anno <- ComplexHeatmap::HeatmapAnnotation(
df = vm$targets[, c("Cancer_Status", "PAM50subtype")],
col = list(
Cancer_Status = c(normal = "grey", tumor = "red"),
PAM50subtype = c(Basal = "purple", Her2 = "green", LumA = "orange")))
mgh <- mgheatmap(vm, gdb, = "ewm", split=TRUE,
top_annotation = col.anno, show_column_names = FALSE,
column_title = "Gene Set Activity in BRCA subset")
# Maybe you want the rownames of the matrix to use spaces instead of "_"
rr <- geneSets(gdb)[, "name", drop = FALSE]
rr$newname <- gsub("_", " ", rr$name)
mg2 <- mgheatmap(vm, gdb,'ewm', split=TRUE,
top_annotation = col.anno, show_column_names = FALSE,
column_title = "Gene Set Activity in BRCA subset",
rename.rows = rr)
# }