This function remaps names of collections in the database from their current
names to ones specified by the user, folows the dplyr::rename
where names()
of the rename vector are the new names you want, and its
values are the old names it came from.
renameCollections(x, rename = NULL, ...)
GeneSetDb x
with renamed geneSets(x)$collection
gdb <- exampleGeneSetDb()
ngdb <- renameCollections(gdb, c("MSigDB C2" = "c2", "ImmuneSigDb" = "c7"))
unname(geneSetURL(gdb, "c7", "GSE3982_BCELL_VS_TH2_DN")),
unname(geneSetURL(ngdb, "ImmuneSigDb", "GSE3982_BCELL_VS_TH2_DN")))
#> [1] TRUE