The GeneSetDb has an internal data structure that is used to cross reference the feature_id's used in the database construction to the features in the expression object that is used to run GSEA methods against.

featureIdMap(x, ...)

# S4 method for class 'GeneSetDb'
featureIdMap(x, as.dt = FALSE)



the object to retrieve the featureIdMap from


pass through arguments


If FALSE (default), the data.frame like thing that this funciton returns will be set to a data.frame. Set this to TRUE to keep this object as a data.table


a data.frame of input feature_id's to conformed id's/rows/etc

Methods (by class)

  • featureIdMap(GeneSetDb): extract featureIdMap from a GeneSetDb


gdb <- exampleGeneSetDb()
vm <- exampleExpressionSet()
gdb <- conform(gdb, vm)
fmap <- featureIdMap(gdb)