The app is setup to only allow users to explore GSEA results one method at a time. Given a SparrowResultContainer `src`, this module presents the user with a dropdown list of GSEA methods that were run that they want to explore, an FDR cutoff used to limit the gene sets returned for exploration, and a download button that will deliver the GSEA stats as a CSV to the user.
mgResultFilter(input, output, session, src)
A list that includes the following reactives:
The name of the GSEA method selected by the user
The fdr threshold specified by the user
: the UI for the module: presents a selectInput
for the user to pick which GSEA method to expl
sres <- sparrow::exampleSparrowResult()
app <- shiny::shinyApp(
ui = shiny::shinyUI(shiny::fluidPage(
title = "Sparrow method result filter",
server = function(input, output, session) {
src <- shiny::reactive(SparrowResultContainer(sres))
shiny::callModule(mgResultFilter, "mod", src)
if (interactive()) {